What do these two things have to do with each other, you ask?? I, for one, am preparing for the summer and working on shedding some winter weight. In true Lauren fashion, the only way I know how to do that is to be super organized about it! Here's how I'm working towards my goal...
#1. MyFitnessPal. One of my best friends got me hooked on this app where I track all my calories and exercise. It links up to my FitBit as well to count my steps (I hardly ever sit down so they add up!) and give me calorie credit when I've been especially active. It's a simple system to keep me in check and teach me which meals are healthy and which ones I should only enjoy occasionally. I can't express how much being organized in this way has helped me on my health journey!
#2. The back of my bedroom door has become an inspiration wall of sorts. 104 gym workouts before December 31 (that's two a week on average for the entire year). 104 post-its, divided half & half by color. Complete one workout, crumple up the post-it and deposit it into a vase on my dresser! It's oddly satisfying to come home after a workout and see one more post-it removed from the wall! It's a visual way to motivate myself beyond just relying on the scale.
Find what works for you and attack it in a way that measures success and motivates you! Take bits & pieces of mine or check out Pinterest to create your own system!