Welcome to the Organized Interiors home headquarters! I don't need a fancy, huge office to work out of since most of my work is done in my clients' homes. And I do love to get boring bookkeeping and admin stuff done at a local coffeehouse. But every small business needs a home base. Here's how I organize mine!
My desk is actually an Ikea glass-top dressing table. It's very narrow at only 16" deep so it fits beautifully in the space yet still give me plenty of room to work. It doubles as a chic bedside table for the guest bed. I'm a wee bit obsessed with it. The roomy drawer holds checks, notepads, and my most used supplies. Next to the desk is another Ikea piece: the Helmer six-drawer unit. This houses seldom used supplies, large office supplies, tech accessories, computer paper, craft supplies, and gift wrap items. I keep my business files in a cute desktop file on top of the drawer unit. My personal files are kept in the closet since I don't get into them as often. I use my bulletin board to post inspiration and tons of lists (I have a lot of them - to do lists, goals, client lists, ideas, etc.). I generally prefer a clear desktop, so I only have a lamp, stack of books, and a pencil cup alongside my MacBook on a regular basis.
My office serves as a cozy guest room too. A few simple changes are all I need to make the switch before I entertain houseguests. I put away my laptop and inbox, move my desk chair out of the way, and put out a few welcoming items (see below post)!