An Alternative to New Year's Resolutions

I LOVE New Year's resolutions. I have been writing them down, sharing them, following them (and breaking them) for years. Some of my most successful resolutions have been to read one book a month (I actually read 22 that year!) and to keep my fingernails polished (have kept this one pretty consistently since 2010). Not so successful? Eating less sugar (I love Blue Bell too much) and taking my Beagle to the dog park weekly (I think we made it twice before realizing she and I were both stressed out by it).

I'd like to introduce you to a movement called #oneword365. Rather than dreaming up vague, overambitious resolutions that you forget 3 weeks in, #oneword365 challenges you to "pick one word you can focus on every day, all year word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live." You can sign up on their website for inspiration and even connect with folks who've picked your same word. If resolutions just don't seem to work for you, this might be a meaningful thing to try for 2016.

My #oneword365 for 2016 is discipline. That word embodies everything I want this year to be...personally, professionally, financially, and physically. I love the idea of keeping this word in the forefront of my mind when I want to skip a workout or sleep in late instead of working on a project. Of course, I still love a good 'ol fashioned resolution, so I've chosen three goals that support my one word. The key to resolutions is to be specific, so I've outlined what I want...and something I'll do to achieve it. Every year, I write out my resolutions and keep them in a frame on my desk. It's impossible to forget them when they're staring me in the face every day. 

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
- Jim Rohn